Brief Report on the NORLEX Annual Workshop at NHM, 25 January 2007

The Annual NORLEX workshop at NHM on 25 January 2007, was attended by 18 geologists, representing 11 organisations. Eight well-illustrated and well-defined presentations were made. Those attending and the lecture titles are listed below.

Erik Anthonissen, NHM - Neogene Lithostratigraphy and Age Calibrations
Beverly Barns, ConocoPhillips
Kari Berner, Chevron
Harald Brekke, NPD
Harald Brunstad, Lundin - Paleogene lithostratigraphy New Scheme
Mike Charnock, Hydro - Cretaceous Lithostratigraphic Template
Alex Cullum, Statoil
Mette Eliassen, ConocoPhillips
Sorin Filipescu, Cluj U., Romania - The Interactive Svalbard Stratigraphic Lexicon
Felix Gradstein, NHM - Update on NORLEX
Oyvind Hammer, NHM - What is New in NORLEX
Terje Hellem, Idemitsu - Jurassic Lithostratigraphy in Key Transects
Mike Kaminski, UcL, London
Martin Pearce, Statoil
Elen Roaldset, NHM - Introduction (+ Worskhop Leader)
Deborah South, Chevron
Daniel Stoddart, RWE-DEA
Ian Wreglesworth, Chevron

Good progress has been made during 2006 with Triassic (complete), Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene (almost complete) members and formations delineations for Norwegian North Sea and to a lesser extent mid Norway. Both Jurassic and Paleogene are well on its way to completion, and Terje Hellem and Harald Brunstad each have put a large amount of work in the detailed revisions. As was well expressed by Terje Hellem lithostratigraphic members (sand bodies mostly) do not have shoreline attachment. hence, to use an example for the Neogene (Erik Anthonissen), Molo unit is a formation, not a member, but Utsira clearly is a member. This simple distinction guides definition of members and formations in older strata also. Mike Charnock is creating very useful biostratigraphic logs for type and reference wells of Cretaceous Formations and Members; special attention will be given to the trouble-some Lange Formation, a highly abused unit. The Upper Cretaceous deepwater detached sands in the Nyk, Vema and Gjallar Voring Basin will get new members status.

During 2006, the Lithostratigraphic Lexicon of Svalbard was made into an interactive, oracle-style database, and placed into NORLEX., in anticipation of complete interactive coverage of all Barents Sea formations and members (to be done in NORLEX in 2008).

The NORLEX website is now fully functional, and updates come in almost weekly.

Harald Brekke reported that NPD and NHM will negotiate which part of NORLEX and how will be linked to the NPD Fakta Siden, once peer review of new lithostratigraphic units is complete. The Norwegian Geological Society is re-constituting the Norwegian Stratigraphic Committee to urgently assist NORLEX.

For 2007, NORLEX has as goal to complete Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene and keep updating formation tops. Peer review of new units should also start soon. In June 2007, the next NORLEX workshop will be convened.