Lithostratigraphic Drafting Symbols

Geologic Map Patterns for Canvas, Illustrator and Freehand

Lithostratigraphic template

Illustrations should be submitted in JPEG format in consultation with web master.

Completed submissions will be reviewed and ratified by the Norwegian Stratigraphical Committee.

Given sufficient fossil event or zone information, the formation intervals can be searched over all NORGES wells.





1. Name

         1.1. English/ Norwegian and  any previous names

         1.2. Derivatio nominis

         1.3. Publication

2. Lithology

3. Sample depository

         3.1. Palynological preparations (organic matter depository)

         3.2. Core photographs [Colour Images]

         3.3. Thin-section depository                                                 

4. Thickness

5. Geographical distribution [Map]  (link to NORGES occurrences in other wells)

6. Type well

         6.1. Well name

         6.2. Location [Map]

                   WGS84 coordinates:

                   UTM coordinates:

                   UTM zone:       

         6.3. Drilling operator name

         6.4. Completion date

         6.5. Status

         6.6. Interval of type section (m) & thickness in type well (m)

7. Reference well

         7.1. Well name

         7.2. Location [Map]

                   WGS84 coordinates:

                   UTM coordinates:

                   UTM zone:

         7.3. Drilling operator name

         7.4. Completion date

         7.5. Status

         7.6. Interval of reference section (m) & thickness in reference well (m)

8. Upper and lower boundaries (in paratype section if type well is insufficient)

9. Well log characteristics [Figure]

10. Type seismic section

         9.1. Location of section [Figure]

         9.2. Section [Colour Figure]

11. Biostratigraphy [Figure]

12. Age   

13. Correlation [Figure]

14. Depositional environment

15. Remarks






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