
Report from NORLEX meeting, Oslo, 25. jan. 2007
Presentations at NORLEX meeting, 25. jan. 2007

Report from NORLEX meeting, RWE, 30. nov. 2005

Report from NORLEX meeting, Statoil, 19. jan. 2006

New in Norges and Norlex

21. May 2007:

  • Updated Triassic tops in a number of wells.
  • Added biostratigraphic events to the Egga Fm. description

    6. February 2007:

    25. January 2007:

    12. December 2006:

    October 2006:

    'Ansari Award' for 'A Geologic Time Scale 2004' by Gradstein, Ogg et al., 2004, Cambridge University Press.

    "As Chair of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) Mary B. Ansari Best Reference Work Award Committee, it is my pleasure to inform you that your work, A Geologic Time Scale, 2004, has been selected to receive the award this year.

    The award will be presented at the Geological Society of America 2006 Annual Meeting and Exposition in Philadelphia during the GSIS award luncheon on Tuesday, October 24, 2006. We normally have one editor or representative attend the luncheon to receive the award which includes a certificate and $500.00."

    September 2006:

    22. August 2006:

    18. August 2006:

    26. May 2006:

    9. February 2006:

    26. January 2006:

    10. January 2006:

    12. December 2005: